Information Covered

* What is Kwanzaa?
Find out how the holiday
started and what it's all about

* How Does it Work?
Discover how Kwanzaa
is celebrated

* What are the 7 Principles?
Read about the seven
things that are most
important at Kwanzaa

* Symbols of Kwanzaa
Find out how the holiday
started and what it's all about

* Recipes
Yummy treats!

* Kwanzaa Words
Learn new words and
how they are pronounced

* Card Making Ideas!


Kwanzaa was created by Dr. Maulana Karenga in 1966. Kwanzaa was developed from elements of the African heritage. The African celebration of Kwanzaa was a ceremony of appreciation for the "first fruits of harvest". The four elements that made up the original African meaning of Kwanzaa were unity, awareness of ancestry and heritage, recommitment to traditional values, and reverence for creator and the creation.

How Does it Work?

Kwanzaa is a seven day celebration. It begins on December 26, the day after Christmas, and lasts until January 1, the first day of the new year.

The celebration is focused around seven very important Principles, called nguzo saba. Though these principles are important all year long, they are thought about a great deal during this holiday.

Each night, people gather together to light the candles of the kinara and to share their thoughts on the special Principle of that day.

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On the sixth day, which falls on December 31, there is a great feast called the karamu. This is a joyous celebration of food, music, happiness, folktales, song, and dance.

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